How does the use of mise-en-scene and performance create tension and suspense in the 'pipe' scene from Inglorious Basterds?
The mise-en-scene and performance throughout this scene is extremely effective in creating tension and suspense as different aspects portray varied feelings toward the audience. The opening mid two shot is particularly effective as low key lighting combined with a low angle allows us to tell the two characters are conversing; this also tells us the conversation topic is dark. The lighting is specific as it highlights the key aspects and props of the setting. In this shot the glass of milk is important as it creates some humorous value as well as adding to the plot; the farmer is a dairy farmer and this tells us that he is poor and can thicken the plot. The light reflecting off the officer's hat tells us this also portrays some significance as it stresses his power and dominance, the positioning of the that also tells us he is not afraid to push the boundaries with the farmer as he knows he won't retaliate.
The mise-en-scene is specifically significant in the next mid two shot as the officer takes out his extravagant pipe. We find out later on in the film that the officer, Hans Landa, is not a smoker so we can take from this that he is smoking on this pipe to purely express his lack of restraint when showing off. The characters switch places from shot to shot because this places the farmer in the dark corner of the room and the light is stressing Landa's dominance over him. We can also read this message from the clothing the characters are wearing. The contrast between the scruffy, muddy and sweaty work attire that the farmer is wearing can tell us that the farmer isn't well off, he is struggling to make a living. The officer's clothing is almost the complete opposite; he is wearing a grand, black leather jacket and his general appearance is clean. A comparison between the hair of the characters can also set them apart as they contrast once again. The officer is clean-shaven and his hair is neatly styled, we compare this to the untidy beard and hairstyle of the farmer. This adds to the tension and suspense as the characters clearly don't mix; two opposing classes clash and makes me feel the tension between them.
The comedic effect of this shot comes from the actor, Christoph Waltz's, performance. The arrogant yet dominant behaviour of the officer is significant as it deepens our understanding of how he carries out his job. The act of reaching out and using the farmer's box of matches displays his level of arrogance as we know the farmer can barely afford to live. The eerie diegetic silence emphasises the smallest of sounds, such as the striking of the match. Waltz's behaviour when lighting the pipe stresses his importance to get his message across; he pauses after every toke to converse with the farmer. The way Waltz disposes of the match is significant as he throws it out of frame, we think he throws it off the table which could show disrespect toward the farmer but we know from the tension in the conversation that he is not prepared to do anything about it. The tension in the conversation is built by the use of pure silence, the looks the characters give each other when conversing are the most important factors. The blank, harsh expression of the officer is dominating the frame as the weakened farmer is emotionally broken. The performance of the farmer is also significant as he sits staring at the officer. We know from this the tension is building as the farmer seems to be heavily thinking about something.
Further analysis of the officer's performance and how he sits back and relaxes inside the farmer's home tells us that he feels comfortable in the most awkward of times. This could also tell us that he has done this same process multiple times and he is very good at creating tension through his behaviour. The formal language he uses also produces a sophisticated atmosphere as the officer believes he needs to behave this way in order to build the tension and strike fear into the farmer. Language such as "If there are any irregularities found, rest assured they will be" is used like this to express how well the officer does his job and to put us in the position of the farmer; who is intimidated. The use of this language also made me, personally, feel insignificant as the officer knows what he is doing. The elaborate performance and portrayal of the language also stresses the officer's dominance over not only the farmer but over the audience.
Other aspects of the mise-en-scene that are significant in this mid shot are the items on the table. The glass of milk, the book and the matchbox are all significant props as they all portray deeper meanings. The glass of milk could signify the wealth of the farmer and also the irony of how intruding the officer is; he feels the need to drink the farmer's produce as if he was judging him. The box of matches could also show this but the most significant of messages that this portrays is the fact the officer doesn't smoke, therefore he uses the farmer's matches.
As a straight cut is used to transition to a medium close up shot of the officer we can see badges scattered over his imperial jacket, this not only portrays connotations of importance but also power. The film being set in the world war also tells us that he has courage in order to earn these badges. Low key lighting is used in this shot so connotations of the officer's sinister and threatening appearance; his intent also. Due to this low key lighting we cannot see anything in the background, making us solely focus on the officer and the language he is using. The choice of actor is also significant. Waltz's prominent chin, broad jawline and sharp features all stress his dominance; it creates an atmosphere between characters and the audience where we know the officer is in charge.
I believe, along with performance, the following series of zoom shots expresses the tension between the two characters most effectively. The focal point of these shots are the character's facial expressions; particularly their eyes. We know their eyes are the focal point as they are horizontally centred in the frame. Their eyes portray the most meaning as we can distinguish the difference between emotions; we can also relate to the characters, therefore putting people in their position. Sympathy is the desired effect and the director creates this by putting the audience in the position of the characters. The farmer's performance as the shot zooms portrays the message that he is hiding something. The constant shiver of his lips and gulping tell the audience and the officer that he is hiding something; tension is built through this psychological interrogation.
A clock ticking, which is diegetic, can be heard in the background and this not only adds to the suspense building but can also portray connotations of time running out for the jews hiding in the floorboards. As there are not many loud sounds in the performance of the two actors the audience can focus on this and therefore portraying the tension. The dramatic performance of the farmer when pointing out where the jews are hiding is significant as he shakes through fear and guilt and we also see him shed a tear which tells us how upset he really is. When watching this scene I felt as if the farmer was only trying to do good but due to the harsh interrogation of the officer he is forced to give away the position of the people.
When the officer stands the farmer doesn't move, he sits watching the officer as he feels he doesn't want to alarm him or make a wrong move. This atmosphere is created by the dominant performance of the officer paired with the almost innocent performance of the farmer. The medium-close up shot of the soldiers' boots as they enter the house is significant as the audience only sees the boots and the bottom of their coats. Although the mise-en-scene contrasts from the dialogue used by the officer this effect creates an association between the officer and his mischievous attitude and way of work.
As the soldiers shoot the floor a mid shot of the farmer is used to display his reaction. When he reacts as he does, by shielding his face from the horror of the shooting, we feel shocked as throughout the whole scene he hasn't shown any sign of movement and this one dramatic movement shocks us.
Further analysis of the officer's performance and how he sits back and relaxes inside the farmer's home tells us that he feels comfortable in the most awkward of times. This could also tell us that he has done this same process multiple times and he is very good at creating tension through his behaviour. The formal language he uses also produces a sophisticated atmosphere as the officer believes he needs to behave this way in order to build the tension and strike fear into the farmer. Language such as "If there are any irregularities found, rest assured they will be" is used like this to express how well the officer does his job and to put us in the position of the farmer; who is intimidated. The use of this language also made me, personally, feel insignificant as the officer knows what he is doing. The elaborate performance and portrayal of the language also stresses the officer's dominance over not only the farmer but over the audience.
Other aspects of the mise-en-scene that are significant in this mid shot are the items on the table. The glass of milk, the book and the matchbox are all significant props as they all portray deeper meanings. The glass of milk could signify the wealth of the farmer and also the irony of how intruding the officer is; he feels the need to drink the farmer's produce as if he was judging him. The box of matches could also show this but the most significant of messages that this portrays is the fact the officer doesn't smoke, therefore he uses the farmer's matches.
As a straight cut is used to transition to a medium close up shot of the officer we can see badges scattered over his imperial jacket, this not only portrays connotations of importance but also power. The film being set in the world war also tells us that he has courage in order to earn these badges. Low key lighting is used in this shot so connotations of the officer's sinister and threatening appearance; his intent also. Due to this low key lighting we cannot see anything in the background, making us solely focus on the officer and the language he is using. The choice of actor is also significant. Waltz's prominent chin, broad jawline and sharp features all stress his dominance; it creates an atmosphere between characters and the audience where we know the officer is in charge.
I believe, along with performance, the following series of zoom shots expresses the tension between the two characters most effectively. The focal point of these shots are the character's facial expressions; particularly their eyes. We know their eyes are the focal point as they are horizontally centred in the frame. Their eyes portray the most meaning as we can distinguish the difference between emotions; we can also relate to the characters, therefore putting people in their position. Sympathy is the desired effect and the director creates this by putting the audience in the position of the characters. The farmer's performance as the shot zooms portrays the message that he is hiding something. The constant shiver of his lips and gulping tell the audience and the officer that he is hiding something; tension is built through this psychological interrogation.
A clock ticking, which is diegetic, can be heard in the background and this not only adds to the suspense building but can also portray connotations of time running out for the jews hiding in the floorboards. As there are not many loud sounds in the performance of the two actors the audience can focus on this and therefore portraying the tension. The dramatic performance of the farmer when pointing out where the jews are hiding is significant as he shakes through fear and guilt and we also see him shed a tear which tells us how upset he really is. When watching this scene I felt as if the farmer was only trying to do good but due to the harsh interrogation of the officer he is forced to give away the position of the people.
When the officer stands the farmer doesn't move, he sits watching the officer as he feels he doesn't want to alarm him or make a wrong move. This atmosphere is created by the dominant performance of the officer paired with the almost innocent performance of the farmer. The medium-close up shot of the soldiers' boots as they enter the house is significant as the audience only sees the boots and the bottom of their coats. Although the mise-en-scene contrasts from the dialogue used by the officer this effect creates an association between the officer and his mischievous attitude and way of work.
As the soldiers shoot the floor a mid shot of the farmer is used to display his reaction. When he reacts as he does, by shielding his face from the horror of the shooting, we feel shocked as throughout the whole scene he hasn't shown any sign of movement and this one dramatic movement shocks us.