Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Budget - $19 Million
Stars - Ivana Baquero, Doug Jones, Maribel VerdĂș - Not well known actors worldwide as they feature in no well known worldwide films.
Genre - Fantasy and Drama - Restricted audience
Box Office - $83,258,226 worldwide (54.8% of profit was from foreign countries.
Production Companies - Tequila Gang, Telecinco Cinema, Estudios Picasso.
Certificate - 12 - Wide audience, low limiting factor
Marketing - Marketing campaign doesn't expand past posters and trailers, no well-known actors worldwide.
Merchandise - Limited to DVDs - limiting genre and storyline.
Release Date - October 11, 2006 (Spain) - Halloween - Other blockbusters released in october 2006 include The Departed (Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon) and The Grudge 2 (Amber Tamblyn and Teresa Palmer.)
Reviews - IMDb - 8.3/10, Metacritic - 98%
- Complaints about the emptiness of the plot
- "Wonderful scenery" for you to get lost in.
Poster - Horror connotations, storyline is not given away at all, intrigues the viewer.
Trailer -