The Inbetweeners Movie
Budget - £3.5 million
Stars - Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley. Blake Harrison - well known by the British public from the TV series "The Inbetweeners."
Genre - Comedy - Wide audience appeal in terms of genre
Box Office - £57,699,138
Production Companies - Young Films, Film4 Productions
Certificate - 15, therefore lowering the potential audience
Marketing - Well known British actors who were loved by their audiences throughout the country as they features in the TV series.
Merchandise - Official merchandise includes mugs and t-shirts among the DVD boxsets
Release Date - August 17th 2011 (UK) - In the summer, relatable to the theme of the movie. Other films released shortly after this film include well-known comedy The Change-Up and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Which could explain why this film wasn't so popular in the US, along with the theme of the movie.
Reviews - IMDb - 6.8/10, Metacritic 44%
- Many reviews from the audience talk about how the film wasn't as good as the series, due to the series coming first it was difficult for people not to compare the two. The director argued this was a continuation of the series.
Release Date - August 17th 2011 (UK) - In the summer, relatable to the theme of the movie. Other films released shortly after this film include well-known comedy The Change-Up and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Which could explain why this film wasn't so popular in the US, along with the theme of the movie.
Reviews - IMDb - 6.8/10, Metacritic 44%
- Many reviews from the audience talk about how the film wasn't as good as the series, due to the series coming first it was difficult for people not to compare the two. The director argued this was a continuation of the series.
Posters -
Left - Bright colours to attract a wider audience, main characters/actors featured (character's reactions are relatable to the TV show therefore appealing to the already existing audience.)
Right - Relates to the targeted audience due to the theme. Mise-en-scene suggests partying abroad in the summer which the audience can relate to.
Left - Bright colours to attract a wider audience, main characters/actors featured (character's reactions are relatable to the TV show therefore appealing to the already existing audience.)
Right - Relates to the targeted audience due to the theme. Mise-en-scene suggests partying abroad in the summer which the audience can relate to.
Trailer -
- Fast paced, humorous
- Relatable to the series (wide existing audience)
- Funniest parts of the film shown to appeal to audience
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