Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Illusionist - Film Case Study Research

The Illusionist

Budget - $17 million
Stars - Edward Norton (Fight Club), Jessica Biel (Total Recall), Paul Giamatti (12 Years a Slave) - all well known                films
Genre - Fantasy, Romance, Indie, Thriller, Mystery, Crime Fiction - wide audience
Box Office - Worldwide = $87,892,388
Production Companies - Pathé, Django Films
Certificate - PG - elements of drug use
Marketing - Reasonably well known actors, known from films they are in (not particularly main                                                  characters.) Posters highlighting 3 main characters. Trailers include mise-en-scene that sets the                            time and place.
Merchandise - Limited to DVDs as the genre and storyline limit the merchandise available.
Release Date - March 2nd 2007 (UK): - Relatively neutral, film has no real seasonal connotations, therefore the                             film may have been released at a time where no big films were being released. Popular comedy                           Wild Hogs was released on the same day as this film, therefore explaining why it wasn't so                                   successful as Wild Hogs would have stolen the attention of the public. A week later, on the 9th                             of March, popular Drama film 300 was released, therefore stealing some of the existing                                         audience for The Illusionist.
Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes - 74%, Metacritic - 68%
                - Acting was well respected by critics
                - Criticisms include the film not being appealing to the eye - A film should "dazzle the eye as much as                   stir the heart. It does not dazzle."
Poster - Features main characters (size representing their significance in the film) Connotations of the era and the genre due to the mise-en-scene, e.g. clothing and setting.

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